
Challenge Russian

“Spectacular Russian – The Challenge Makes It Interesting!”

From favorite words in Russian to hardworking locals of Latvia – Michael from Hong Kong talks about his Russian language study experience in Riga: Durbe: What makes Russian an interesting language in your opinion? Michael: For me, the Russian language is spectacular - quite difficult to learn, but the challenge makes it super interesting! Durbe: What are the 3 most difficult words in Russian for you? Michael: Oh! That’s easy! 1) Здравствуйте [zdrávstvujte] – formal "hello” 2) Воскресенье [vaskresenʹe] –...
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Put Yourself On the Map With an International Summer Internship!

Do you know that in many cases, experience counts more than qualifications in today’s society? An Internship at Russian Language Academy Durbe provides a great opportunity to gain invaluable work experience during your college break or summer vacation. Distinguish yourself from your peers! Learn real-world skills, gain Russian language proficiency, and immerse yourself in Russian and Latvian cultures to help make your resumé really stand out. Take your Russian language and professional skills to a whole new level by applying...
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Enjoy the Perfect Atmosphere of Riga to Improve Your Russian!

Let us share with you an interview with David – our student from sunny Malta, who talks about all the reasons why students should come to Riga to study Russian. We at Durbe RLA are always interested in knowing why people want to speak Russian. So we asked David about his choice! D: I am studying Russian mostly because I am very fond of the Russian culture, music, art and so on. It is a very interesting language, also an...
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Why Choose Russian in a Mini Group?

Russian language courses with the Mini Group option are designed for motivated students who aim to develop Russian communication skills quickly and effectively. This type, of course, is very popular among our students. This is an excellent combination of Standard or Intensive group course. There are 5-10 extra lessons per week in a small group of 1-5 students.  Benefit from rapid progress, gaining confidence in Russian, as well as improving your pronunciation and fluency. Choose to study in small groups...
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"My Russian has improved enormously!”

"Improve your Russian quickly" - Our student Eugenia from Italy has been studying at Russian Language Academy Durbe for about six weeks. We had a little chat about her experience of studying Russian in Riga. Q: What inspired you to study Russian in the first place? I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, but as I grew up in Italy I didn't speak Russian. I have always felt connected to the country as well as the language and it was...
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Learn Russian Through Communication!

Hi there, this is Keshia writing, the intern at Russian Language Academy Durbe :) Almost every year I want to study a new language and continuously deepen my knowledge of the ones I already speak in. Combine this passion with my never-ending love for traveling and exploring different cultures and, thus, it is not very surprising that traveling around, living in different places and learning languages is something I really enjoy doing. I think a language exchange abroad is a great opportunity...
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