
Immersion Crash Course 50

Intensive Russian language immersion course

If you have just a week for your Russian language course including weekends and welcome challenges – go for our new intensive Russian Immersion Course! This is a great option if you are highly motivated, hard-working, and interested in an intensive study process with quick progress in a short time!

Taking into consideration a high intensity of the course with up to 55 individual lessons per week. Together with the school, you will compose the most advantageous individual study schedule. We will evenly distribute the intensity of all study days throughout the study period. You have the privileged possibility to choose Russian lessons to be taken on the weekend or even during public holidays. Thus, requiring just a week from the office, amazing, isn’t it?

This gives you an excellent opportunity to start studies on any day of the week. What is more – you will freely and effectively use the weekends to fully immerse into the intensive Russian language. Therefore, you will learn Russian fast and rapidly to reach your linguistic goals.

Additional Information

Besides the classes in the school, you may request some lessons to be taken outside the classroom for the practical Russian language use in real situations. Also performing a task assigned by your teacher like:

– Hotels: room availability, booking, services provided
– The Central Station: transportation, directions, tickets, schedule, transfers
– Car showroom: cars, technical specifications, terms of leasing
– Shopping centre: goods, prices, fabric composition, clothes
– Restaurants: social language, dishes, food composition, cost, payment

Therefore you benefit from practising your Russian in an informal way, receiving an individual approach. You have to pay for all entrance fees, tickets, food and drinks for both parties (you and your teacher).

During the intensive Russian Immersion course, you will focus exclusively on your individual linguistic needs. You will noticeably improve all your Russian language skills. Even after one week of the intensive Russian Immersion course, you will see a great difference in your Russian language skills!

The course is suitable for: corporate clients, CEO or any high profile individual
Minimum lesson number: 30 lessons in 7 days or less within a week;*
Price includes possibility to have up to 28% of lessons to be held on weekends or public holidays;
Starting dates: any day of the year;
One lesson: 50 minutes;
Levels: all levels

30 lessons: 1495 EUR;
35 lessons: 1645 EUR;
40 lessons: 1870 EUR;
45 lessons: 2025 EUR;
50 lessons: 2250 EUR;
55 lessons: 2475 EUR;

*Optionally chosen lessons number can be taken in fewer days number than indicated above.