???March 8th, the International Women’s Day, is just around the corner! Let’s take a look at 5 inspirational Russian ladies over the centuries. From writers and engineers to actresses and world rulers – personalities whose achievements will carry on their names for generations to come.
Starting off with Valentina Tereshkova (1937-) – the first woman to go to space (1963). Originally a textile worker and amateur skydiver, Valentina gained worldwide admiration and respect as the only woman ever to have been on a solo space mission!
Maya Plisetskaya (1925 – 2015) – titled ‘prima ballerina assoluta’, a rare title given only to the most talented and exceptional dancers, Maya was a star of the Bolshoi stage, and there is no ballet dancer in the world who doesn’t know her name.
Chulpan Khamatova (1975-). A talented contemporary Russian film, theater and TV actress, Chulpan became a co-founder of the charity foundation, which helps children suffering from oncological and hematological diseases. In just a few years the foundation collected as well as sent for treatment more than 6 million euro, helping over 40 000 children and young adults.
Anna Akhmatova (1889 – 1966). Her work, with a unique writing style and composure was nominated for a Nobel Prize twice (1965 & 1966 PM)! Today she remains one of the most prolific and inspirational Russian poets of the 20th century.
Also one of the most important fictional names to our list – Anna Karenina (1st edition of the novel by Leo Tolstoy published in 1877). Surely a character to remember, she was written as a woman of intelligent instinct. Inspiring debates on women’s freedom and equality for years to come.
Memorable mentiones: Sofia Kovalevskaya (first woman in Europe to earn a doctorate in mathematics). Alla Pugacheva (musical icon and one of Russia’s biggest stars), Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. Yevgeniya Zhigulenko (head of the „Night Witches” flying bombers during the WWII). Marina Tsvetayeva (one of the greates posets of her time).
Happy International Women’s Day from all of the Russian Language Academy women’s team ?