Russian Language Academy is fully prepared for the festive holidays. We have our Christmas tree at school decorated, and postcards gifted with kind Christmas wishes in Russian from our students. We’re a little surprised at how beautiful everyone’s handwriting in Cyrillic is, actually! 😀
And this is why let’s focus today on the most common Russian language greetings you can wish at any time and especially during a holidays season.
• Удачи! – Good luck!
Wishing someone all the best (best wishes) in Russian would be:
• Всего лучшего! – All the best!
If you want to leave your congratulation simple, you can just say:
• Джеймс, с праздником! – James, happy holidays!
• Весёлого Рождества! – Merry Christmas!
• Счастливого Нового года! – Happy New Year!
Before December 31st the following greetings are also commonly used in Russian:
• C наступающим!
• C наступающим Новым годом!
Both mean – [Congratulations] with upcoming holiday!
To make your congratulations even more beautiful and full, add more personality:
• Поздравляю вас/тебя с Новым годом! – I wish you a Happy New Year!
• Пусть Новый год будет счастливым и радостным! – Let the New Year be happy and joyful!
• Пусть Новый год принесёт тебе много приятных сюрпризов! – Let the New Year bring you many pleasant surprises!
Have you heard all of these greetings before? Save this blog for later and use mentioned phrases for your Christmas cards, emails, messages or even for making a quick call to someone in Russian.
Пусть в Новом году сбудутся все ваши мечты!
Let all your dreams come true!
Хороших праздников!
Happy Holidays! 🎄