Are you ready for the most beloved national holiday by everybody in Latvia – LIGO (summer solstice celebration)? We sure are! In fact, our marketing manager Jelena has prepared a special Russian words list for the occasion – LIGO Top 10!
Here is your LIGO survival linguistic kit:
1. Пиво [pívo] – beer
2. Сыр [syr] – cheese
3. Венок [venók] – wreath
4. Костер [kostjór] – bonfire
5. Шашлык [šašlýk] – skewered meat
6. Танцы [táncy] – dancing
7. Восход [voshód] – sunrise
8. Поцелуи [pocelúi] – kisses
9. Веселье [vesélʹje] – fun
10. Традиции [tradícii] – traditions
As an additional bonus, one of special Russian words – Nr.11. Папоротник [páporotnik] – fern.
They say LIGO night is the only time of the year when one can see the mysterious and mythical fern flower. No one ever has but this is considered an excuse for couples to sneak away for some alone time in the woods. 🙂
Do not miss the most Latvian holiday of all from June 23 to June 24! Enjoy the weekend and remember – one of the most important things in your Russian language studies is to make a timely break for a celebration.
Let’s celebrate LIGO together!