It’s always a great pleasure when our Russian language students decide to come back to study in our school. Natasha from the UK is an extraordinary case because she is currently studying for the fifth time at the Russian Language Academy. For this reason we are very honoured and we decided to share with you her experience and her personal growth at the Russian Language Academy.
RLA: Which was the key factor that led you to choose our school for the first time?
Natasha: The main reason was that I didn’t need a Visa. I only decided to come at the very last minute and there wasn’t enough time to organise a visa for Russia. Before coming I was really nervous because it was my first time abroad on my own. But the school had already assured me that my host family would pick me up from the airport so I didn’t have to worry about finding the way on my own (or getting lost!).
RLA: Why did you decide to choose the school again?
Natasha: The quality of teaching is excellent! The environment is friendly, everyone is kind and I had a very positive experience with my host family.
RLA: What are the differences between the teaching method in UK and the teaching method of our Russian Language school?
Natasha : I particularly like the teaching method in Riga and I learn something new every day (век живи век учись!). We work in small groups and the course is more intensive. I really like that there is a personal approach and there are more opportunities to speak and practice the language!
RLA How much did you improve your Russian since you have been studying here?
Natasha: Безумно! So much! When I came to Riga for the first time I was A2 and now I am B2.
RLA: Why did you choose to study Russian and not some other languages?
Natasha: I particularly wanted to learn a language which didn’t use the Latin alphabet. Also, my name is Russian so I was curious to find out more about Russia (and the Russian language).
RLA: Which are the hardest topic and the most difficult word in Russian from your point of view?
Natasha: It’s hard to say as almost everything in Russian is hard! Probably verbs of motion with prefixes: входить, выйти, обойти, приехать, разойти…Now after a lot of practice I am much better at them!
Regarding the most difficult word that’s hard to say. But as an English speaker I find words with the hard sign “ы” difficult to pronounce. My favourite word is probably достопримечательность (tourist attraction)!
RLA: What are your plans for the future?
Natasha : I would like to be a translator or an interpreter. I know for sure that I want to use my language skills in any future job.
RLA: Can you give us 3 words that describe Riga?
Natasha : Старый город, дождь (только зимой) and троллейбус (We don’t have trolleybuses in England, so I associate them with Riga).
RLA: Which is the strangest food that you have ever tasted in Latvia?
Natasha : Probably хлебный суп (bread soup), a typical Latvian dish and кислая капуста (sour cabbage which is actually really tasty!). I’m not too keen on холодный суп (cold soup), because for me soup should be served hot!
Thank you, Natasha, for such a positive interview. We all wish you to achieve with the best results all your goals and plans for the future!